
Visitors are always heartily welcomed to attend any of our services or events.

Sunday worship services begin at 11:00 am and are “come-as-you-are” – no need to wear your “Sunday best” unless you want to. The church does not have a parking lot but there is parking available in a lot across the street, or on the street. Entrance doors face the parking lot, the door on the left has a wheelchair ramp. If you enter through the left-hand door you’ll come into our social hall where you can hang up coats, make use of the unisex bathroom facilities, check out the RE (Religious Education) classroom, and find literature of interest about UUism. Some friendly person – or maybe even several – will be there to greet you and show you around.

Services last about an hour. Music is an important element, and we are blessed with both an organ and a piano. The minister or other person conducting the service may tell a story for children of all ages, share a reading or poem, and offer a sermon on any of a wide variety of topics. We do not follow the lectionary used in some Protestant churches which allows our speakers to focus on matters that are close to their heart, weighing on their mind, or on current events. An offering (or collection) is usually taken up but we do not expect first-time visitors to feel obligated to put a donation in the collection plate.

Following service is a time referred to as social hour – but people may linger longer or leave earlier as their need demands. There is always hot coffee, and members take turns providing light snacks, such as cookies, crackers, vegetable sticks, etc. Please partake. This time is a good time to meet other members, to ask questions, and generally get to know us better. If you have specific concerns or needs be sure to touch base with the minister about them. We suggest signing up in the guest book so we can send you the latest newsletter for more information.

You are also welcome to join us for other programs – a discussion time that follows some services, or attend our monthly potluck meal or minister’s movie night, book reading group, and other events that occur.

Do you have children? They are quite welcome to join us, too! We love the liveliness that children bring to our church. Our denomination is noted for its liberal religious instruction curricula that help children to think critically for themselves, rather than be told what to think.

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Do you think you might be a Unitarian Universalist?

If you are eager to consider religious questions with others who are not always certain they have all the answers, but who are determined to keep searching with an open mind, and acceptance of other peoples’ beliefs….

If you are looking for a religious community in which to seek spiritual growth…

If you would like the fellowship of others for celebration and worship, discussion and education, friendship and mutual support…

If you want children to be helped to develop their own religious beliefs…

If you wish to preserve and extend the traditions of personal freedom and human dignity against the dangers they face today, you may find this church fills your spiritual and human needs.